Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 37: What's the point?

I had a great class yesterday despite my hemming and hawwing about not wanting to go.  It's ALWAYS that way and I KNOW it which is why most of the time when I really don't want to go - I go!  Anyway, on my way to class I was thinking about goals and how many of them are stale and feel like a ton of bricks on my back.  After class, one of the other girls asked how my challenge is going.  I said I was on day 37 and a bit behind and that I would need to do a number of doubles or just extend my challenge.  It was like she was reading my mind when she said "well the challenge is in learning how to fit this in your life."  That is exactly the point of this challenge for me.  Why would I expect that I would be perfect?  I hold a full-time job, a part-time job, I am a work-study at the studio, I have goals in singing, I have weight-loss goals outside of my yoga practice, I continue therapy which is a lot of work letting go of old baggage and learning how to rethink, I am happily married, I need to cook - clean - and do laundry, organize and de-clutter, I've got to deal with all the other stuff in life you just can't plan for and EVERY ONCE in a WHILE, I'd really like to feel like I have a moment that is not structured and planned!  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Anyway, the point of this is not to be obsessive-compulsive nor to presume that other people who don't accomplish challenges have busy lives.  The point is to experiment with how to find joy in a daily yoga practice and fit the life INTO this lifelong practice.  INTO not around. Not separate.  Not in nice, little, neat separate boxes.  How does it all come together, what do I do?  Like the Geoffrey Rush's character in Shakespeare in Love to the question what do I do? "Nothing. Strangely enough it all turns out well. How? I don't know.  It's a mystery."

1 comment:

  1. Heck, I am tired just reading about all the balls you manage to keep in the air at the same time! Congrats on all you do and on surrendering to the mystery. :)
