Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 32 AND 33: Double whammy!

That I must say was my favorite game show as a kid.  I loved Double Whammy! Random thought.

I did a double last night.  Haven't done one in a while.  This was a good one.  I wasn't too tight in the second class which tends to be a problem for me with back to back doubles (I cool down so quick that I tend to get tight).  Pranayama is always so weird in the second class.  It takes half way through the first set to just say "ok, this is weird, deal!"  Second class was actually better than the first.  I did my triangle and my camel!  I must take time to set triangle up properly and go into it slow, lining it up.  90 degrees - no less!  Arms out like open heart surgery, fingers to the toes, elbow in front of knee, stretch away! Camel just hurts right now, but I really feel like if you don't do these two postures you don't get the payoff at the end of the class like you do when you do them even if you a only do a little!  Tonight there is no sitting out, I don't care if I have to just do a little of everything.  I need EVERY... SINGLE... POSTURE and BOTH sets.

At the end of savasana second class, my heart just opened up and it came to me that I don't need to worry any more and can just leave all that up to God.  I can receive and have faith in the path before me.

Breath is my only focus for the next week.  Keeping my breath smooth, even and calm and never going so far beyond that I feel I must quit.  Now is not the time for me to PUSH beyond but to build faith and strength so I can push later.  On a small note, I am experimenting in Standing Head to Knee with waiting to lift the leg until I am already rounded down and my clasped hands are ready to grab the foot.  Let's see how this affects alignment.

Last note, I slept so wonderfully in my new mattress last night.  It was like getting a massage from my mattress. Yeah! Only problem is that I don't want to get out of bed!

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