Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 29: Discipline

Topic of discussion last night was when does discipline go to far?  My answer is when it is no longer "joyful" or as my one friend would say "interesting, very interesting."  It is a slippery slope because there are stages in yoga development where it is painful and downright discouraging - really, am I really back to just reaching for my foot in standing head to knee again?  Damn that posture!  I digress, but if there is still interest in my suffering and some ounce of joy found from the activity then my discipline has not crossed over into the dark side.

As far as my goal for myself last night, it's hard to not have a fun and loving class with that fabulous upbeat teacher.  Nonetheless, I can say I am more than civil to myself up until standing head to knee.  That posture is so damn discouraging and the rest of the balancing series is not much better. Grr. I tweaked my back in the second set of triangle and then sat the rest of it out.  I felt my left heel stretch like a taught rope in standing separate leg head to knee.  I feel it this morning.  All in all though, I am on the other side now and realize that this is all good pain.  Like the last 60 day challenge I did last summer, there is a point where I realize to enjoy my suffering, to be thankful and peaceful no matter what...  I guess I've hit that point.

I'm done whining now.

1 comment:

  1. I struggle with discipline in that I try to be gentle with myself while still expecting my best. That's what I need to stay in tune with...it's MY best...mine alone. Sometimes it isn't pleasant but, like you, I seem to get to the other side and there is gratitude and serenity waiting with open arms. Namaste to you, my yogini friend.
