Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 20: Chicken and the Egg

So it's the story of the chicken and the egg.  Did I feel better last night and then do better in class as a result, or did I do better in class and then feel better as a result?  Hmmm.  Maybe both SIMULTANEOUSLY.

Anyway, it was nice to have the gift of an enjoyable class.  I felt energetic and good for rest of the night but here I am again feeling pretty low today.  Up and down, Up and down.  Get me off this roller coaster ride. 
"Feelings, nothing more than feelings...".  Well, if I'm trying to fit my life to yoga then I hope yoga has lots of room for all the baggage my life is lugging around these days.

I'm looking forward to the simple pleasure of the warm room, laying in savasana, being surrounded by some amazing human beings today. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing some "feeling" today too. I wonder if it's part of the practice - the teachers seem to say it is. If I think about what's happening to my quads, my hamstrings, and my other physical parts - it only makes sense that my emotions are being stretched a bit too.

    Thanks for the post.
