Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 18: Energy Improvement

Late class last night.  I had lots of time before to read and drink water then arrived early and warmed up in the room.  Why is it so cold out at the end of April???  Anyway, at the end as I lay in Savasana I thought to myself "how nice to just take time, not feel rushed or like I should be doing x,y, and z instead - take time to just be where I am.  Enjoy the MOMENT." I had forgotten. So easily the simple things are forgotten.

Despite not getting much sleep last night as my honey is up all night coughing with a cold, I am surprisingly feeling better energy wise. I am hoping taking iron supplements has been the answer.  I will still take it easy today and enjoy the moments doing the best I can in each.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are feeling perkier! I swear that sometimes the only thing that gets me to do yoga some days is the thought of that Savasana time. Sending warm thoughts your way. :)
