Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 17: A few days behind now

I'm a few days behind in my challenge now.  I took off on Friday to go to a Red Sox Game which was super-duper fun with some fabulous yoginis.  Next day I woke up and it's like all energy in my body was gone.  Body did not have it and said NO -or my mind wimped out and decided to "feel" that way - not sure I trust either of them to tell me the truth right now.  I didn't even want to go to church the next morning to sing. Moi?  Had a sore throat, stuffy head probably from allergies.  I ended up going because I couldn't just leave my fellow alto section sing that big bad Britten piece alone.  Got home from church and crashed again.  WHINE, WHINE, WHINE!

I'm dragging myself to work in the mornings now.  Went to yoga last night and muddled through.  I concentrated on doing my daily duty one posture at a time.  Nothing fantastic happened other than I made it through the class which I guess isn't anything to sneeze at.  I've decided that until the fatigue passes away I am just going to concentrate on going, taking it easy so that I make it through the classes and to the next one at least until my energy returns. Then I can start to THINK about doubles.

I've started taking iron supplements in addition to B-12 and potassium.  Hopefully this will help with the fatigue.  Otherwise, to the Doctor I go.  I'm sick of doctors and blood tests and work.

Uck. Yuck. Blagh! Patooey!  Someone made me smile after class last night and I am thankful for that reminder.  Sometimes I like holing up and wallowing methinks too much.


  1. Some days the very best we can do is just show up...and ya did. Good for you!! :)

  2. Yes and it's half the battle. Thank you. I say it all the time, but don't often HEAR it. Feels good. thanks.
