Friday, May 28, 2010

81.5/146: Living artfully...

As I stare at the blank screen thinking of what to write, the tag line to my blog was staring right back at me.  It occurred to me that, recently at least, I have not been living very artfully.  I have made lifeless tasks out of the duties of my life.  I've made mindless lists of things to do without regard to the meaning and motivation behind them.  I keep trying work on my vision collage and goals for life.  I often get sidetracked or overwhelmed by the confusion it brings and an hour later give up realizing this project isn't "right" for me right now or at least I am not approaching it with the "right" mentality.  I'm right.  I'm approaching it as another thing to get off the list and not an opportunity to live artfully.  And once something gets crossed off the list do you think that I even celebrate this astonishing miracle?  Nope.  It gets crossed off the list and probably something else added in its place.  How mundane is this?  No fun.  Old habits die hard I guess.  Well, I can change this attitude.

Anyway, yoga was smooth last night.  Being in the front of the room keeps me honest and motivates me to do better.  Rounding down, clasping my hands in front of me below my knee before I lift the foot in standing head to knee I think will pay off long term in standing head to knee.  The alignment is better and works the muscles which need working.  Lock the knee?  Lock inner calves, thighs, outer thigh and glutes - suck the stomach in and do all this and breathe! ha, ha.

My ankles hurt. 

That's it. Happy Memorial day weekend. No yoga planned just working on my deck at home and de-cluttering my home.

1 comment:

  1. Love watching how no matter what the mood or energy, you just keep doing your thing and finding the grace in it all! Happy weekend to you!! :)
